Bacada live in der Winterlounge
Happyland Klosterneuburg - Eisdisco
Samstag 9.12.2017 - 18:30 bis 20:00
Diesmal nur zu zweit aus Platzmangel.
It ´s Not the End
One night i just dreamt of rivers so deep
Caught in a big stream I hardly could breathe
I saw it was you who pulled me out of the deep blue
Into your land
It ´s not the end
One day I woke up by hearing a scream
This night i do dance to music supreme
All you ´ve ever done was more I ´ve ever dreamt
Your eyes - your glance - your kiss
I know it meant
It ´s not the end
What ´s true, what are lies
In a ball of fog
It ´s all mixed with fate
Who ´s watching me
Who follows who
No offense meant
It´s not the end
One day I was shocked by watching a crime
So I had to flee - you gave me a sign
First you saved my life I followed you into the night
Where streets do bleed
It ´s not the end
Who s evil who ´s good in a ring of fame .
However it ´s always a surprising game
A fighting man
It ´s not the end